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Ever since our most noobish days we knew to make many scv/probes/drones. But how many is enough? You will need at least 3 per mineral patch to maximize your profit per patch. This may come as surprise to you, as it did to me, I previously thought that 2 per patch was enough, and that more increases income so little it was negligible. Well o_n to the data so you can all see for yourselves and make your own conclusions.
# workers // avg. income over 8 minerals patches in 60 time units
08 340
10 390
12 444
14 488
16 516
18 544
20 584
22 624
24 720
99 720
Data measured o_n bottom start location of lost temple 2.4. 60 time units refers to how long it takes to make something (ei wraith = 60, dragoon = 50, etc). Numbers given are accurate to within 5%.
Alright before I go any further I would just like to mention that this is my first dossier and many of you reading this are much more gosu than I. I would appreciate feedback and all that. In every dossier I have read, I have seen people post stuff like "old news", "everyone knows that", etc. But I wrote this dossier because from what I have seen from watching replays no o_ne makes enough scvs.
Now for the implications of this data if you feel like reading instead of thinking. The benefits of making more workers beyond the normal 2 per patch is substantial, in fact the difference between 24 and 16 is greater than that of 16 and 8. How can this be possible you ask?
To explain this I will first explain worker behavior, if you already know this skip to the next paragraph. o_nly o_ne worker can mine a mineral patch at a time. When a worker arrives at a mineral patch to mine, if it is already being mined and there is another patch available then it will go over and mine that patch. If there are no other patches unused it will wait its turn at the current patch. 2 workers can almost mine from a patch continuously, but not quite (actually sometimes with the real close patches at an angle where they turn around fast 2 can do it, but this rare).
So with around 16 workers, workers kind of behave dumbly even though theoretically they could almost be continuously mining. (For a typical isolated mineral patch 2 workers will mine at about 90% compared to 3 workers). This is because they come to a patch that is being mined and see o_ne that isn't so they travel a good distance to get there. Meanwhile, before they get there, many other scvs are o_n the same boat, so sometimes like 5 scvs will all go for that open spot. This behavior is what causes lack of efficiency at 16. As you get closer and closer to 3 per patch there are less openings for them to be stupid. The final change from 22 to 24 was almost 100 minerals, which is much larger than any other change. This is because when you have 24 workers they reach an equilibrium, 3 per patch, there is never an opening where a patch isn't being mined and thus they will not act stupid. Sometimes it can take a while for this equilibrium to occur, before it is reached they will mine an average of about 685 with 24. It is very easy to tell if you are at equilibrium. Just watch your workers for a moment and notice if you ever see a worker get to a mineral patch but then go to a different o_ne. If you see this happen it means you need more workers.
This also means that if you are at the equilibrium it is very bad to take a worker out to build something be you protoss, zerg, or terran, it would be better to have dedicated builders or something. There are other benefits to have extra workers around too: if they do a drop o_n you and kill a few workers you will be less affected, if you want to expand, you can quickly get that expansion with a reasonable large supply of workers, and lastly, sometimes workers must become fighters, grr!
Another implication is if you want to sacrifice economy to make a strong early attack it would be good to momentarily stop worker production after about 12-14 workers since adding workers does the least at this point.
Now I am not saying everyone should always have 3 workers per mineral patch, it depends o_n the game and your strategy. If you are zerg and control the map you are getting the most efficiency at 1 per mineral patch, you need the hatcheries anyways so they are free. Consider this: You are protoss and you have 1 base with 16 probes mining minerals. You want to spend exactly 400 o_n your economy. You can either build a new nexus and split your workers or build 8 more probes, in the first scenario you will make an average of 2 * 340 = 780 versus 720 o_ne base. o_ne base is easier to defend but two bases has more potential in the long run if you keep making probes until both have 24.
Thank you for reading my dossier. I'm sure anyone who contemplated this in depth has come to the same conclusion as I, but if not lets here it. I'm guessing most people are not as nerdy as myself and thus haven't studied the intricacies of mining minerals so enjoy, go, make lots of workers.
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